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I think it would either be buying a plot of land somewhere between a mountain and a forest, or New Zealand, based on those choices. Depends also on what you want, really - are you up for the self-build option? do you love your job? do you mind house-building taking over your life to a greater or lesser degree? what do you want to do at the end of the year? etc.

Sorry. [/Spanish Inquisition] ;)


Excellent drawing.

I adore my city [Cambridge, UK], I would stay here and buy a home. Maybe one that is slightly dilapidated so I can change it without feeling bad about destroying history.

Also, I would get that pack of dogs I've always wanted and get them breeding. So awesome.


Earthenwitch -
No worries. I've asked myself those (and a million other) questions over the last few months. I do like, not necessarily love, my job. I don't mind house-building taking over my life, I THINK (Augh! No experience!) I'm up for self-build, and so on, and so on. As for what I want to do at the end of the year? Ooooh... good one.

Amy - honestly? That sound idyllic and I would be right there with the dilapidated house AND the pack of dogs given the chance.

overstretched frog

cottage in new zealand with a round red hobbit door and a lion knocker and a pack of dogs...and SPACE

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