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The comfort in knowing however you left things in the morning, that's how they'll be when you get home.

The irritation knowing you needs something done, and you can't quite make it ... and there's no one to call and say, "Will you please ...?"

Also? You'll find food lasts longer - and maybe wine goes faster.

Best wishes to all the amphibians, unpronounceable names & sharp edges ... may adulthood treat them well.

And woo-hoo to you! Maybe there's a "Risky Business" scene in your near future!

Bad Wolf (Blaidd Drwg)

Now is the time when I flunk out of school, spend way too much on ants with my credit card, rack up a whole boatload of debt and come live in your basement for 17 years until you finally go completely mad and blow up the city.

Love you!!

overstretched frog

na! sal go ship o ro salla!


The best thing about living on one's own: nudity. Any time. Day or night. Awesome.


Mit - ooooh. Now that you mention it, DEFINITELY.


OF - eh, wot?

Amy - hmmmmm.... I shall invest in very good blinds. Or a rural house!

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