NO - not the damn show. Never watched it. Don't wanna. Don't get started because by the time I thought of watching it, it was WAY too late to get into it and I don't want to hear how it changed your life and you named your child after that string of lottery numbers or whatever (actually - do tell me that. I love the idea of some poor teacher having to call out ThreeFourEightTwoOneNineSeven? Present?).
No, it's Typepad! It ate my post! WAH! Typepad, you hussy, you claimed to be BETTER than Blogger - you SWORE you were. We were BFF's man, we had, like, MOMENTS. Then you ate my friggin post.
Thing is that now I'm totally convinced it was fantastic. Brilliant even. Yes, the title was 'Waffling,' but the content, dude! It was better than anything I've written before. Better than that essay where I compared Bertie Wooster to Don Quixote. Better than the one post that got me thirty four emails in one day telling me I was going to hell for offending them. And now, it's just a bit of digital fluff in the ether.
Still, the positive thing is that I have the warm, happy feeling of having TRIED to post something that was amusing/interesting/of any worth at all and was foiled by the universe.
So trust me - that post? Was the best ever.